Brushes with Wooden Hub, Laboratory, Wide, 3/28/55

Picture may vary from actual product.
Item number 61545
6 pieces

will be ordered, not in stock

Round brushes in three qualities:
    • Suprema = Chungking bristles extra stiff
    • Prima = Chungking bristles stiff
    • Labor = Chungking bristles hard
Data in following order:
    number of rows/core ø in mm/total ø in mm/quality/positioning of bristles.

6 pcs.


Brushes with Wooden Hub, Laboratory, Pointed, 3/28/55

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 61540
6 pieces
FINOPOLISH Polishing Brushes, 1 Row, ø 48 mm

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 61751
60 pieces
FINOPOL Diamond Polishers, Fine, Wheel, ø 11.0 x 2.0 mm

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 66501
6 pieces